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22 November 2022 | Various

15 years of friendship with #EUFunds

In 2022, the Center for EU Transport Projects celebrates its 15th birthday. Since 2007, the CEUTP has been responding to the challenges related to the handling of European funds and, as a state budgetary entity, supporting Beneficiaries in the process of preparing and implementing road, rail, air, sea, inland water, intermodal investments as well as those in the field of security, public transport or sustainable mobility.

CEUTP Chronicle

The journey towards the expansion of Polish mobility with the use of EU funds began with the implementation of the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment (OPI&E) 2007-2013, where the scale of available funding increased many times, as compared to previous years. Today, ready for further development, the institution is responsible for three EU programmes:

All implemented projects contribute to the development of a modern, safer, ecological and accessible transport system in Poland.

Summary at the turn of perspectives with the CEUTP jubilee in the background of the CEUTP Forum became an excellent opportunity to present the effects of program implementation from the 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 perspectives, as well as look at the directions of development of transport using the EU funds in the 2021-2027 perspective, with its new challenges, also in the area of supporting Beneficiaries in obtaining funding.

Transport Mind Map

Speeches, a discussion panel and the competition “EU funds close to us”

The event was a platform for numerous presentations by authorities in the field of transport. Among them there was an expert view of a representative of Siemens Mobility as part of the speech “TEDx – transport revolution”.

The issue of revolution and evolution in the sector was continued during the discussion panel “The transport revolution using EU funds, a review of experiences and plans for the near future based on the FENIKS, FEnPW, CEF 2 and KPO programs”.

Expert representatives from the following institutions took the floor in the panel:

  • Clip Group S.A.,
  • PKP Polskie Linie Koleje S.A.,
  • General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways,
  • Transport Strategy Department at the Ministry of Infrastructure,
  • Department of Infrastructure Programs at the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy,

as well as the hosts, i.e. experts from the Center for EU Transport Projects.

Integrated Traffic Model

A speech on the Integrated Traffic Model developed and updated by the CEUTP was a clear complement to the conference.

The ITM is a comprehensive tool designed to support transport planning (including demand and supply management) both at the strategic level with a nationwide range, and at the regional and local levels. The traffic model supports the fulfillment of the basic condition of the European Commission in the field of financing transport investments in the 2021-2027 perspective.

The CEUTP forum analytically and competitively

The Center for EU Transport Projects primarily supports Beneficiaries combined with expert activity. Striving for development, the CEUTP examined and presented the collected opinions on the quality of communication and cooperation from the Beneficiary’s perspective.

The final part of the analytical official part was the awarding of prizes in the competition “EU Funds close to us” organized by the CEUPT.

Transport mind map - People of transport

We’re not slowing down – the official end

The end of the official part of the Forum was accompanied by a speech by the Director of the Center for EU Transport Projects, Mrs. Joanna Lech.

“The turning point in the financial perspectives that we are currently in is a time of increased effort for entities designing the program framework, as well as those benefiting from co-financing from the EU funds. The entities must not only fulfill all obligations undertaken in connection with the implementation of programs and projects under the previous perspective (2014-2020), but also plan and prepare for the absorption of the EU funds from the new financial perspective.

At this particular moment, we are not slowing down and we continue to work intensively in the key areas of distribution of funds that remain from the Infrastructure and Environment, Eastern Poland and CEF programs, the correct settlement of projects implemented by Beneficiaries and preparations for the new perspective.”


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  • questions about the programs
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Office CUPT

Plac Europejski 2, 00-844 Warszawa

Monday – Friday
hours: 8:15 – 16:15

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The website is co-funded from the Cohesion Fund within the framework of the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment and from the European Regional Development Fund in the framework of The Operational Programme Eastern Poland.

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